Just last week, as he brought me the First bunch of beheaded daffodils in from the garden, I was saying how cheated out of Winter I felt because we had no real snow. And then it happened...
Snow! And, lots of it!
And, it's Pretty snow too...

of course, the new Daffodils and tree blossoms would
propbably be happier Without all this beautiful Snow!

But me? I'm pretty Happy about it!

Look at those trees!

many of our Trees have faces on them. Why? Well, so they
can Talk to each other, of course! Look, his nose is running...

Power is out in our Neighborhood, despite the fact that our
lines are all Underground. But that's okay because...

we Invested in a stand-by Generator the first time this
happened after we Moved here. It only happens to me once!
It'll be a while before we're Sitting around the firepit!

and it'll be a little while before my Arbor rose is back too

but I'm not Complaining. Not today when...

Everything looks so Amazing!

Have I told you just how much I love snow?

Well, I do!

This is always my Favorite view of the creek in our back
yard. No matter what Season, I love this view the most!

What a Lovely sky!

I poured a few Scoops of seed into the birdfeeder... And,
this little feather-Head seems to be very Happy about that!

I can't get over the Sky this morning. I love the deep
blue contrast against the white-White of the snow

Mother Nature did good last night!

Really, really good!

Last week my Japanese Maple looked like
she was wearing Spring. Today... Not so much!

This is why we Never break our rule to always
live on a dead-end street... Views like this one!

It's okay Maple, hang in there... Spring is coming!

but just maybe Not today!
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