Friday, October 31, 2008
No Trick... All Treat!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
I never Give up!
So, on Monday, after I read Susan's Blog post at Food Blogga I decided there might be hope for me yet and set out to Find the exact same Pizzelle maker she has, vowing that when I find it I'll only use her dear father's recipe. Wouldn't you know it though... The Pizzelle maker Susan uses, with the most Fantastic design on it ever, is one that is Discontinued and no longer available. In her Blog post Susan tells us that she received it as a Gift from a fellow Food blogger, which is quite wonderful for her but, Hey! What about me?!
You know how much I enjoy a good shopping Challenge so for four days now I've been hunting this Pizzelle maker. On Monday I thought I found it and ordered one through AAW on-line (Above All Wholesale) which specializes in close-out and Discontinued items - and... Although the Pizzelle maker pictured on their site is the same model Susan has with the Scandinavia Tree (of life) design, and I spoke to the owner of the Business to confirm it was the same and he said it Was, and the manual that came with it is Indeed for the model I wanted, the Pizzelle maker in the box is Not the one!
Anyone need a new, but-Not-quite-the-right-one, Pizzelle maker out there?
Refusing to be defeated by this I called all the ACE hardware stores in this area because I learned they were the Primary retailer for this product (Walmart too but I knew I had zero chance of reaching Anyone there that would comprehend what I am talking about) but no Luck. Having exhausted all other on-line retail Options I finally broke down last night and checked back in at e-Bay. There are two of these Pizzelle makers currently being offered but neither looks Particularly well cared for; and again, knowing me like you do, you know I prefer only Perfect.
So this morning I posted an ad on Craigslist announcing that I'm looking for this Toastmaster Pizzelle/International Cookie maker, and to my surprise, I received 12 e-mails within an hour from the nicest people offering their Advice on where to Find similar Pizzelle makers. And, get this! One woman wrote me offering to let me Borrow her Pizzelle maker, which she explained belonged to her Grandmother, which is why she cannot sell it! All of this prompted me to add a PS to my Craigslist posting letting readers know that I must have that Exact model in the pictures I posted and that I wished to purchase, not Borrow it.
This afternoon I decided I might just have to Search all states on Craigslist but under the first one I picked, Arizona (because John McCain was on my mind) I found it! It's currently living in Phoenix, looks Perfect and seller says it's only been used ONCE! My Pizzelle maker will be shipped in its Original box with the user's guide included - Score! I am so excited I can barely stand it... I offered the seller $10 more than he's asking to compensate for his trouble to Ship it to me and he accepted - I do so enjoy a Good acceptance to my Proposals!
So in a few Days I should have my new Pizzelle cookie maker. I am very, very Excited and looking forward to the same Stellar results Susan got with it, using her Dad's recipe, of course.
Wish me Luck!
Monday, October 27, 2008
I got Mine! Pottery Barn loves Me...
When I first saw them a few months ago, right after we Painted the bedroom this Gorgeous color, I knew they'd look as Amazing as they do Tonight hanging on the wall. Love, love, love them!
The Coliseum arrived with a Smudge on it that cannot be Removed so I've asked them to ship a Replacement - It'll be here Next week. The only other strange and Unexpected thing about them is that on-line these are Shown year-dated and they are not. The rep I Spoke with tonight promised to Check on that and call me back. He said the year on these Pieces in the photos on-line may just be part of the Props. Hum... OH! And, how great does the Thomasville lamp I picked up at their Labor Day sale look next to my Chair!? It looked Great on my desk too but when I brought it into the Bedroom tonight I realized it was Meant to sit next to my Chair! This weekend, the Thomasville Outlet is having another Sale. Now you know where I'll be this Saturday...
So now the little Reading area I created for myself in our Bedroom is complete. My only regret is that I didn't buy two of these Thomasville Felicity slipcover chair and Ottoman sets when they were Still available. And, I can't say I don't regret not buying the other matching (and last) Felicity end Table they had because I do. Of course, I was reminded, Yet again, that I'm running out of Space for new Furniture so maybe it's a Good thing I stopped buying when I did! Maybe.
I Voted!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Tiny pinecones and a Big fireside snack
Black Walnut Festival in Bethania
From Wikipedia:
Bethania is the oldest municipality in Forsyth County, North Carolina, United States, and was most recently incorporated in 1995, upon the reactivation of the original 1838/1839 town charter. In 2009, Bethania will celebrate the 250th anniversary of its establishment in 1759.
The first planned Moravian settlement in North Carolina, Bethania exists as the only remaining independent, continuously active Moravian village in the southern United States, and is the only known existing Germanic-type Linear Agricultural village in the South. The 500-acre Bethania National Historic Landmark district is the largest National Landmark in Forsyth County. Bethania and its 18th and 19th century properties are listed on the National and North Carolina State Historic Registers of Places.
Bethania was founded 12 June 1759 by the Moravian Brethren of Wachovia as a congregational, agricultural, and trades community. Bethania was the first planned Moravian settlement in Wachovia, and members of a Society, under the care of the Bethania congregation were permitted to reside in the village, as well, after July 1759. Today, Bethania’s eighteenth century German-type linear agricultural village design remains visible and intact, and most town lots and roadways have remained in continuous use since 1759. The town was named after Bethany, a village near Jerusalem recorded in the New Testament as the home of Mary, Martha and Lazarus, as well as that of Simon the Leper.
In March 2007, The Town of Bethania opened a visitor center and museum, Historic Bethania, to welcome friends and guests, and to promote education and cultural resource preservation in the community. The Historic Bethania Visitor Center facilities include a relocated and restored Moravian farmstead home, the Wolff-Moser House, dating to ca. 1792, one of the earliest known surviving rural Moravian farmstead homes in North America. The Wolff-Moser House can be visited by the public, during the center’s open hours. The Historic Bethania Visitor Center, located at 5393 Ham Horton Lane, at the intersection of Main Street and Bethania Road, also serves as an orientation center for those wishing to explore the Bethania National Historic Landmark District. Visitors to the c. 1759 Bethania Historic District can obtain a tour map and additional information at the visitor center.
Now that you know all about Bethania, NC... It's just five minutes from our Home and today the town held the Black Walnut festival, which was on our list!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Find of the Day!
Autumn in North Carolina!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Fall has Flung...
Saturday, October 18, 2008
European Antiques in Galax Virginia - Who knew?
Just like at the Doubletree!
Monday, October 13, 2008
The last time I saw it...