Just to remind you of where we began... It was called, a catch-all!
My over-flowing baking supply drawers won over tote bag parking!
Seriously... I needed saving!
So thanks to my darling husband...
A pantry dedicated solely to my baking and cookie decorating supplies was born!
With hardly a labor pain between us!
Last night, after I stocked the shelves and went to bed, this
is what my amazing new baking pantry looked like. However...
Today it got even better after the new doors were installed!
I love them! And, I'm so happy I over-bought on the knobs and bin pulls
at Pottery Barn when we remodeled the kitchen the second time,
because I had exactly what I needed for the new pantry and coat closet!
Spacious, organized and concealed... Everything a girl wants in a pantry!
So what does a girl do to thank the man with the vision and ability to build it?

She cooks one of his favorite meals!

She cooks one of his favorite meals!
Pork roast cooked low and slow...
In one of my LeCreuset dutch ovens, of course!
And, in the beautiful new KitchenAid gas range I
still cannot believe I won at last year's Mixed Con!
Needless to say...
He was as happy with dinner as I am with my new baking pantry!
Before I close I have to tell you about a little bonus I discovered while
unpacking the storage bench... You see that little California license plate?
I found it in this box of love-letters we exchanged just after we met. We met on a
Thursday night in Kansas. We had our first date the following evening and by very
early Saturday morning, my family was on its way to Monterey, California! After he
phoned, (four days later) to ask if I would be his wife, we began corresponding via
letters. This lasted almost exactly three months until we eloped to Reno to marry!
No internet, no cell phones. Only expensive long distance calls and lots of
letter writing... Gosh! I haven't looked through this box in a million years...
As I began digging through the box, I discovered lots of long-forgotten treasures...
Like this one that my mom brought back to me after my beloved
Oma passed away in 1990. It's the last letter I wrote to her, which
arrived only two days before she died. Mom found it on the table in
her apartment. Mom also brought back this comb, compact and pill
box set I sent my Oma for Christmas just a few short weeks before...
I also found the booklet for the first television we purchased together,
along with one of my high school graduation announcements, the receipt
for my senior prom dress and, this funny saved from my 1986 calendar!
Here's the birth certificate for my 1983 cabbage patch doll and, the
prescription for my first pair of glasses when I was twelve years old!
Written by an Army doctor in Frankfurt Germany,
which is the map on the back of the prescription!
Here is one of my early class (charting) assignments from dental assisting school!
Great letters. Great memories!
All discovered again because he decided to build me a baking pantry!