Even before my eyes Opened this morning I knew it would be another Plan B vacation day for me. What remains of Hurricane Fay finally made it into the Triad so it's been raining since before the Sun came up. Rain we need. Rain on my vacation? Not so much. Nevertheless, Bing and I slept in a little longer than we did yesterday, which was Nice. After my shower and a bit of laundry and Housework I prepared a Perfect rainy-day supper in the Crockpot and set Sail for another full day of shopping.
Yesterday I discovered a few more shops I've never been to that I wanted to revisit today, and I had a return to make. Costco no longer stocks the bath towels I like so I bought Six of every kind of white towel Home Goods had yesterday to bring home to compare them to what I have. Fortunately, the Martex towels at Home Goods are just as nice as those I'm used to getting at Costco so I took back the other five sets of towels and Picked up a few more of the white Martex they still had left.
Dinner! Southern style ribs...

Last time I made this recipe the Apples I added in with the onions
disappeared. This time I'll wait to add them an hour before serving

I've been invited to a Pampered Chef show tonight... When he saw the Invitation he
laughed because he knows I have a Collection of Pampered Chef stuff that's pretty much
pushing me right out of the Kitchen. So I made a deal and told him that I will only go if I can find
something in the current Catalog I don't have or that I need to replace. It was really time for me to
clean out drawers and go through everything to see what I have any way. Well, while there isn't
anything in the Catalog I don't have at least one of, (really... even the Cookware and even the stones,
spices and even the Chillzanne stuff) I am MISSING my paring knife and I NEED a new nylon spatula
since the boys, despite my repeated warnings Not to, used it to flip burgers on the Grill so it's all
melty on the edge. Where my paring knife is I can't tell you. The case is in the drawer with my other knives
but the paring knife is gone. So despite my Massive collection of Pampered Chef, there is a reason to Go!

Every drawer, every Cabinet, even the closets in the Office... All full of Pampered Chef
stuff and this isn't even the tip of the Iceberg of what I have Stored away out in the Garage!

Maybe one day, if I'm really Lucky, the Boys will need stuff to outfit Kitchens
of their own and I'll be able to Unload some of this stuff... Yeah, that's it!
Because in their own Kitchens they'll want to use Cutting boards and whisks...

Oh!! In case you think there is Plenty of time left to get your Hallmark Peanuts Halloween
ornaments, there's not! We picked up one set last night... Today I came across this cute,
Spooky little Halloween Ornament tree at TJMaxx so I thought I'd go back to Hallmark to pick
up a few more sets to fill out my New tree. However, three out of the four Hallmark stores I
went to were ALL sold out! After striking out at the Hallmark downtown I called the store
closest to home and Luckily, the woman said they still had three sets! But get this, she would
only hold them Ten minutes! How nuts is that? Fortunately, I wasn't too far away and made it
in time. But the minute I walked in the door the counter clerk said, Are you here for these
Ornaments? When I said I was she said, It's a good thing you made it because these Ladies
here were waiting for you to Miss the deadline. Oh, well, How too bad for them! You wouldn't
think that on August 26th and at $16.99 a set, Hallmark would be having a Rush on their
Peanuts Halloween ornaments! Imagine if we weren't going through a Recession... Wow!

It's a little Early, but I couldn't Resist putting my
Spooky little Halloween ornament tree together

Click to enlarge to see Lucy reacting to a Fright wearing her Wizard hat, the Red Baron
Snoopy bobbing for apples in a Tub, Charlie Brown and a Jack-o-Lantern and
someone disguised as a Ghost holding a sack of Candy. Too cute!