Friday, February 5, 2010

Snow-day Cupcakes and a find...

On our way to Atlanta last week we learned of a flight delay that required
us to Waste some time. So we made a few shopping stops. On our
second stop I found this at an antique shop in South Carolina

I saw this side first, and instantly recognized
my Oma's church! Discover it Here

I can't count the number of Masses we attended
together at the beautiful Dom Kirche too!

It's not every day a girl Born and raised in Augsburg
Germany finds a treasure like this in South Carolina!

Before I get to my Baking this evening I have to show you this!

Most people at work yesterday spoke about Stopping at
the Grocery on the way home for bread and milk ahead of the
snow storm. Not me. I rushed over to Costco for chuck roast to
ensure I could duplicate the Pioneer Woman's Drip Beef!

Enough of that... It's time to bake him some Cupcakes! And then, I'm going
to throw together chicken Caesar salads for dinner that taste like summer! 

It was a Snow-day here, so you had to know
the edible Snowflakes would come out to play!

Oh, and the Icy-blue sanding sugar too!

So good!


A perfect Treat on this snowy night!

Have a Cupcake!


  1. Did you make cupcakes with the brownie mix??? They look YUMMY!! I'm making cupcakes tomorrow....our weather is matching yours ...we've had wet snow all day and it's still coming down....and I'm STILL in my PJ's! LOL

  2. Mmm. cupcakes and snow flakes!

    What a special find. It was meant to be yours.


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