Friday, April 4, 2014

Spring is FINALLY here to Stay!

This view from upstairs this evening told me to get my fanny outside!
Not only have the bluebirds discovered my new birdhouse, the
weeping Japanese cherry tree nearby is blooming and buzzing!
Seriously! It's full of honey and bumble bees and, it smells so sweet!
Of course, the magnolia is not to be outdone!
The pool is uncovered too, which means...
Sweet Springtime is finally here to stay!
Speaking of sweet... My wonderful friend Leah shared this photo
of the cookies she created for a little boy she adores! Tell me... How
much do we love Leah's camo-ducky? This army-mom loves it a lot!
Today was a pretty sweet day. I awoke to birds chirping, the sun shining and, I
found these notes on my desk from my boss's daughters thanking me for the
cookies I sent home with their dad on St. Patrick's Day. How sweet are they?
As I made my way through the gardens and to the front door this evening, I
noticed a package... Of course, the sender's name made me smile from ear to ear!
It's going to be a great weekend now that my Beekman 1802 order is here! In
fact, I see a bit of their "Mortgage Lifter" bruschetta on our burgers tonight!
I have my friend David to thank for my stroll through the gardens
just now because it was his blog post this morning that inspired
me to arrange a few of our snowdrops in these sweet little vases!
If you haven't already read David's post, you really must! Because I know
there's something blooming in your garden that deserves to come inside too!
Happy Weekend!


  1. I'm glad that spring has sprung for you my friend!! It looks as though it has appeared in the most beautiful of ways too. The birdhouse looks as though it is settling into the landscape nicely. That camo duck is so cute too, I love that idea!!! I hope that you have a wonderful spring. xx

  2. Janet,
    Thank you for bringing us SPRING! The grass is barely turning green up here....... Love that Bluebird perched on his beautiful new house with that glorious cherry tree in full bloom! Heavenly! I really like the photos of the pool with the reflection of all the tree branches.......really cool!

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart for posting my Easter Camo Ducky on your blog and OuiSugar FB page! I'm honored and tickled pink! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

    Love the sweet thank you notes from your Boss's girls! No better thank you in the world! Those look like very yummy goodies from Beekman' did those burgers come out? I'm in snowdrop love with those precious little vases.......darling.....enjoyed David's post as well!

    Many thanks again for your kindness & generosity!

  3. We have very little green here yet, so thank you for sharing all of yours! The only "gardening" I've accomplished is spreading mulch in the beds, but things are beginning to peek out Your pool looks SO inviting; is it really warm enough to use yet?!
    Happy Easter to you and yours, Janet!

  4. Janet, these pictures are wonderful! You have such a gorgeous array of trees on your property. I'm so jealous that yours are already blooming the way they are. :)

    We used to have a majestic crabapple tree across from the barn, right along the driveway, but during hurricane Sandy it was uprooted. I'm sure you can understand, but I still mourn that tree.

    Enjoy your gardens and all that the season has to offer!!

    Bisou bisou


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