October brought chilly autumn rain to our area yesterday... But instead
of being snuggled up in a blanket all day, we were a couple of hours away
enjoying bright warm sunshine and blue skies in Cameron, North Carolina!
Perfect weather for their Fall Antiques Street Fair!

There were hundreds of vendors!
And, so much shopping to do!
SO much shopping!

Copper has my attention lately; and, since I have a little collection of barnyard
animals in my kitchen that bull over there may have come home with me!
Cameron is a charming little town with many cute houses!

Looks like someone in this yard needed a tummy rub!

I know you're dying to hear... So here's what I saw in Cameron...
Lots of old barns...
And, lots of sand and pine trees! This area of the old North state
is much different from our Piedmont area of North Carolina
is much different from our Piedmont area of North Carolina
As different as the soil is, the fair-food around the state remains consistent!
Consistently, fried!
As I walked through the vendor area in this backyard, I couldn't help but notice
this old tree stump next to a pecan tree. Clearly, it is doing double-duty as a buffet!

For lots of very happy squirrels and probably a few chipmunks too!

In another yard I found this sexy-looking Jaguar...

And, found that I wasn't the only one eager to photograph it!

There are 12 antique shops in Cameron, North Carolina
and most of them are run out of these great old homes...

And all of them offer a little something for everyone!

I especially appreciate shops that take the time to stage their
wares just as they may have been used back in their day!
wares just as they may have been used back in their day!

The last time I left this shop was four years ago... And, the last time
I left this shop four years ago, I backed into this Dogwood tree!
I left this shop four years ago, I backed into this Dogwood tree!

I'm relieved to know I didn't kill it! Like I did the bumper on my new truck...
So we walked Cameron's main street...
Browsing through old and new treasures up one side...

And down the other!

Not a bad way to spend the day when a new
month is busy being cold and rainy at home!

We took the long way home through what is North Carolina cattle country...
We stopped to walk through this old covered bridge where a mill once stood

And a windmill/water tower?...

Still stands!

We passed an old school...
They don't build them like this any more!

And, across from the school we stretched our legs by an old store
Which is now...
Inhabited by a whole bunch of...


Including some very bouncy, furry kittens...
We counted fourteen cats. And, that's just the ones we could see!

I love this part of the Country!
By the time we returned home the rainy weather had
cleared, and what was left felt like perfect Fair weather!
So we headed to the Fair!

Where we ate a Fair dinner!
We always do the Gyros!
We toured all the exhibit halls, and I loved that Lego-bunny beat out the...
Robot competition for First place!
We sipped a little apple cider too...

And I wondered what the heck will happen to all this apply mash!
At 8:30, we watched the Wizard of Wood carve tree stumps into critters...

And, I fell in love with the owl he just finished!

Of course, the botanicals couldn't be missed!

The roses are always my favorite...
Especially the perfect ones!

This specimen looks like it let out a huge sigh right after the judging!

Fruit oddities was new a new category at the Fair this year!

Some being more odd than others... This
sweet potato could probably yield 25 pies!
sweet potato could probably yield 25 pies!

Every year we think about taking one of these home...
And yet, every year we keep going home without one!

We always stop at the Republican booth...
Where I was happy to see Hanes here!

I noticed that poopie Gildan shirts are being used by the other side!

The NC Tea Party is also using Hanes...

Who doesn't love Hanes!?
Or a little honey and Virginia country ham?

Fall, Fairs and Pumpkins always remind me of...

Speaking of the boys...
Seeing the bunnies always reminds me of...

The good ole' days!
To let them know we were thinking of them and wished they were wish us!

The only thing I don't miss about taking the boys to the Fair is the rides...

And the other things they couldn't wait to see that made me a little dizzy!

Now that it's just the two of us, we just watch the whirl go by...

And, enjoy the fair in other ways!
So what did I drag home from Cameron yesterday? Well, it turns out that the
copper moment I was having fits into my kitchen just as beautifully as I imagined!
And, that's no bull!

Now, usually crystal doesn't speak to me... However, sparkling crystal rainbows
of color always do; therefore, when I saw this pair of lovelies for next to nothing,
I decided to give them a good home. The cute little owl is etched Kosta, and
is numbered too. The vase isn't signed, but I can see it being very useful!
Tell me... Who- who-who could pass up a Wise old Owl in perfect condition? Not me!
I also dragged home this tall, glass milk bottle that
was filled with a matchbook collection for only $10
was filled with a matchbook collection for only $10

All I really wanted was the matchbooks, but after I cleaned it up, I
discovered the bottle, with its cute little cow on it is kinda a nice find!
discovered the bottle, with its cute little cow on it is kinda a nice find!

Seriously... What are the chances of finding a Las Vegas and Reno
matchbook collection in Cameron, NC? You know, in 1985, We
spent our wedding night at the Circus-Circus in Reno - So fun!
spent our wedding night at the Circus-Circus in Reno - So fun!

And, after I cleaned them up... Into my collection they went!
And, until I find something better, I'm going to use the milk bottle to
hold more of that cork collection I picked up in Hillsville last month!
hold more of that cork collection I picked up in Hillsville last month!

Need some corks?

I've got plenty of corks...

To spare!

The next find we dragged home yesterday takes me outside to show you...

Where this Praying Mantis eye-balled me as I clipped roses by the pool!

Remember the Wizard of Wood at the Fair? Well, since I was having a
moment with Owls yesterday, and I loved the one we watched him create...

I decided to ask Jerry if I could take it home with us!
And, he said for $60... Sure! He then provided me with instructions to
properly age, dry, seal and finish his oak creation. Which I promptly handed
over to my handyman who knows exactly how to read and follow such things!
over to my handyman who knows exactly how to read and follow such things!

Speaking of handyman... I found this beauty last weekend! It's French,
it's zinc. And, it's heavy! I've wanted one for the longest time... I almost
settled for the reproduction at Restoration Hardware (here) but I'm so
glad I held out for the real-deal! It's taken my handyman a week, but...

My real-deal is up on the wall in the living room now!
Someone tells me over and over that he doesn't get it... But it's my room. My vision...

So the Horse stays!
Maybe when I ride my bike through, we can schedule it so that we can hit one of these things. Not that I'll be buying because I'm not lugging anything on my bike, but I always enjoy looking, and I suppose if I found something outstanding, I'd just ship it home.
ReplyDeleteO.K., that praying mantis gave me the willies but your owl looks beautiful on the property and $60.00 was a S.T.E.A.L.
ReplyDeleteThe architecture of the homes at the antique fair is gorgeous, love how the first cat in the yard blended right in with the Fall colours! Looks like you are in need of a new cork holder for the wall and soon a new matchbook one too. Love your new milk jug and your little owl. The roosters at the fair were gorgeous!
Do tell, what was in the redneck romance bag??????