My intention for today was to be as lazy as I could possibly be... And although 70-degrees and my spot outside on the deck was screaming my name, the moment I felt the fresh Spring breeze wash over my sleepy face and heard the birds chirping I knew I was going to be busy spring cleaning! I started in my bedroom where I cleaned all the windows inside and out - I even took down the blinds and the valances, moved the bed and dressers, chased all the dust bunnies away, dusted every little thing and threw away everything I didn't feel like dusting - I tossed all the clutter down the steps and then moved into the bathroom and my closets. I washed and pressed all the linens and decided all the towels in the closets needed to be washed again too. I bought four bottles of mountain fresh scented Downey at Target last night and couldn't wait to use it. Everything smells like Spring now! After the master bedroom I drilled through the den, kitchen, laundry room and office, the downstairs bathroom and finished up in the solarium. I left two boxes of magazines on my neighbor's doorstep. I really need to rethink my 27 subscriptions! Any way, my Spring cleaning is done, which means opening the pool can't be too far behind...
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