Saturday, July 12, 2008

I'm Forgiven... Whew!

I was pretty bummed after Bing's appointment because as soon as we Arrived back home he went and hid himself from me. First stop was my new Chair in the bedroom... Bing went behind it and stuck his head under it and Pouted there for an hour. No amount or variation of treats and even the promise of the Gourmet wet food he usually comes Running for could coax him back to me. It bummed me so much that I decided all I could do is Clean house - so that's what I did for four hours; cleaned and piddled! But still, when it was all said and done, no Bing and no forgiveness for me. Finally, at 1:20AM the Love came back. It's late, or early, depending on your perspective but either Way, it was worth the wait because without him I cannot sleep... My Bing! 
By the way... We have a Booster scheduled in three weeks
and I've already decided not to be the one that takes him!
Okay, I'm here - Let's get some Sleep!

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