Thursday, January 17, 2008

What I Love most about Snow...

Snow Birdie
Snow Squirrel at the Buffet
What I love the most when it snows here is how still it feels. Everything seems frozen in time except the little creature who brave the cold hoping for a meal. They are all so much easier to spot against the white winter canvas too. The cardinals and other colorful birds are extra beautiful in the bright white landscape. Everything feels fresh and looks so clean and pure... The variety of birds we have is amazing, and there's nothing funnier and more entertaining than watching squirrels hop in and out of the snow.

I could hardly sleep last night after learning that snow would begin to fall between 2 and 4AM. When I looked out the window at 2:30 I was disappointed, and when I looked again at 4AM snow was falling but not much. However, the next time I looked at 6 o'clock, we were covered and it was beginning to rain. Now it is outside as you see it in the pictures I'm posting and there is still a light rain falling. I (over) filled all the feeders so none of my outside critter-friends will go hungry today. Bing is snuggled up with me and we're working from home today, due to weather.

I do so love snow and I welcome all that Mother Nature can deliver!

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